Exam Reminder!
Please remember the Functional Skills exams will be sat next week we wish you all the best of luck!
Exam Tips:
Always eat breakfast or lunch before an exam
Arrive at school on time
Try and avoid stressful situations
Remember you have worked hard for this
If time allows re-read your answers
Take your time and some deep breaths!
Staff Awards
This week staff members Tam Warman, Zoe Catterall, Charlotte Rupp and Mitch Cawte all received Unsung Hero awards for their hard work above and beyond their general duties. In addition to this Jacqui Lifton was awarded the special “One School, One Love” award for helping to support many students across a number of our centres.
Thanks to our PCSO colleagues for visiting and supporting our students regularly.
My Tunes Returns
We are pleased to confirm that Key Stage 4 have commenced work using My Tunes once again. We will look forward to hearing the results of this soon……..
Reminder for Year 11 Students
Year 11’s don’t forget that the Mock Exams start the week after half term – 19th February. Please speak to any of your teachers should you have any questions around this.
We are pleased to welcome Nick Chapple-Hyam who is a new TA at Wyndham View
Welcome to the Spring Term
Welcome back to all students and staff. Please remember this is a shorter half term with an inset day on Friday 9th February and half term from Monday 12th to Friday 16th February.
Exam News
Year 10 students at Wyndham View have completed the first set of their examinations.