Reward Trips


Parents, don’t forget that reward trips are coming up – Students don’t forget that your daily points count towards this!


Exam Entries


Functional Skills for November are now entered

Assessment Training

Thanks to all staff for attending the assessment training this week.

New: Nurture Groups

Our primary phase nurture groups have begun at the Key Stage 2 setting.

Thank you to ACE Plymouth

Thanks to ACE in Plymouth for hosting SSPS staff members on a visit this week.  This was a useful practice sharing exercise with another PRU.

Area Management Group

The AGM met on 28th September

Garden Design

The Students at Wyndham View have embarked on a redesign of the garden at their centre.  We look forward to seeing the results.



We say a fond farewell to Dave our cleaner at STEPS who has been with us for 13 years!  Goodbye and best wishes for the future.

Action Tracks are Back!

We welcome back Action Tracks who work with our students on music compositions.   For more information please speak to your Leader of Learning.

School Nurse

Our School Nurse is available on a weekly basis for drop in sessions and will always help students with any health related issues.  Please speak to your Leader of Learning about when the drop in sessions are.