Apprenticeship Job Fair at Yeovil College
Yeovil College are holding an Apprenticeship Job Fair on Wednesday 4th March 5:00pm – 8:00pm
To find out what apprenticeships are on offer and book your place click on the link below:
Yeovil College are holding an Apprenticeship Job Fair on Wednesday 4th March 5:00pm – 8:00pm
To find out what apprenticeships are on offer and book your place click on the link below:
During the year 11 Mocks week, year 9 & 10 students got involved with a WW1 themed week of art, history, trench model making, WW1 cookery, Digging for Victory & a fantastic visit to Bovington Tank Museum! Well done everyone for getting stuck in & taking part!
WW1 Model Trench Making
Digging for Victory
Wartime cooking and sharing what we have made:
A visit to Bovington Tank Museum brings it all to life!
We created our own artwork – Lest We Forget
Friday 14th February 2020 is an Inset Day
We break up for half term on Thursday 13th February (Friday 14th February is an Inset Day) and return to school on Monday 24th February.
Looking for something to do during half term? Somerset County Council has lots of activities to do with the kids this holiday. Check out the list below:
Tuesday 12th November was Careers Day at South Somerset Partnership School and all our students took part in activities to explore the different careers and jobs they could do after leaving school. Year 10 and 11 students also attended the Careers Fair at The Fleet Air Arm Museum and received advice from local employers and training providers. Here are some photos from the day…
Cup Boat Challenge
Students were asked to design a boat out of 3 cups, 15 straws & sellotape. Coins were dropped into the boat and the winner was the person whose boat held the most coins without sinking.
On Monday 11th November students from our school took part in the Remembrance Day Service in Yeovil.
Staff and students joined members of the public at the cenotaph in the town centre to show their respect for those who have served in both world wars and more recent conflicts around the world.
Students and staff showed their support for Anti-Bullying week by wearing odd socks to school last Friday 15th November.
This was part of the Anti-Bullying Alliance campaign ‘Change starts with us’ and promotes the idea that we are all unique and nobody should be subjected to bullying.
Here are some photos from the day…
We are all unique!
Odd sock washing line
Anti-bullying messages
Our KS2 students recently visited Montacute House as part of their History topic – the Tudors – through the Thrive approach.
Below is a student totally immersed and happy being in role at Montacute House.
On Monday 18th November our school will be celebrating the Into Film Festival. This is a free, annual, nationwide celebration of film & education for 5-19 year olds and all students will be taking part by going on a visit to the cinema!
Our older students will be going to see “Spider-man -Far From Home” and younger students will be seeing “Bumblebee”.
On Tuesday 19th November we will be holding an Academic Mentoring afternoon.
Time will be set aside during the afternoon for students to meet with their tutor/academic mentor to discuss how the term has gone so far and what they can do to work towards their goals for the rest of the year.